Friday, 14 January 2011

Past the Ernst and right at the Arp

Salvador Dali, 1936
Oil on wood, 222 x 267 mm

Dalí’s disturbing, imaginary landscapes often contain references to his own life. Forgotten Horizon is a typical example, drawing upon memories of childhood holidays on the beach at Rosas on the Costa Brava. The striding woman in the distance is his cousin, Carolinetta, while the dancing figures in the foreground were inspired by a picture on a postcard. Dalí intended the effect to be hallucinatory, with the figures appearing as if projected onto a prepared background or theatrical set. - from Tate Modern

Now playing: Harold Budd/Brian Eno - Against the Sky


hello gorgeous said...

I saw a great Dali exhibit a few years ago at the Philly Museum of Art. It was the largest exhibit of Dali works ever or something. Amazing.

(Btw, I deleted that post. I thought it was funny but I think I ruffled some feathers. I did try it and it's not a great product. No trowel necessary. Yet. :-) )

Benjamin said...

Sorry HOBAC - Dali is a hack...

Kevin said...

I don't think he was a hack. He was probably a genius, just fell out of popularity due to overexposure, fascist leanings, and the general beat-down given to representational art after 1945. Haters gonna hate! I love his work.